Ghost Dance
You who name your corporations after forests you desecrate.
You who steal our land
You who do not know the blood of your history
You who think you are superior
You who never questioned
Your origins
You who never questioned the hierarchy
You who invented the hierarchy
You the architect of boxes
You who orchestrated the norm
You who speak with double tongue
You who build the courthouses
You who invent the poor
You who don’t like color
You who can not tolerate the sun
You who invade the land of others.
You who vomit your criminals unto the land of my ancestors
You who are criminals in suits
You who make corporations persons
You who criminalize love
You who imprison us at borders.
You who steal our children, our women
You who dump your garbage on us
You who steal our resources & say we are poor
You who steal our culture & say it is yours
You who call us cockroaches
You who lose our paperwork to say we are illegal
You who attempt to erase us
You who start wars
You who stole the land
You who drop bombs
You who steal & call us thieves
Dear Europe,
It is time we have a talk.
It is time we get our language and perspective straight.
It is time we acknowledge, once and for all:
That you are singularly responsible for all that is wrong with this world.
First, let’s get one thing straight:
The U.S.A is occupied territory.
Australia is occupied territory.
Canada is occupied territory.
South America is mostly, occupied territory.
New Zealand is occupied territory.
Palestine is occupied territory.
In none of these countries are the Indigenous a substantial part of government.
In none of these countries have those Native been allowed any room for a dignified existence.
Europe, take note of the historical havoc you have created.
But still you came. Came in the hundreds of thousands, even when we shared what we had with you. There was no border control to stem your flow. There was no wall to keep you out. You came. You took land. You raped our mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers. You killed us like game. For hundreds of years.
Let’s get this straight,
There are only a few things you are superior in.
And that is your ability to be duplicitous. Murderous. Treacherous.
There are only a few things you are superior in.
That is your ability to be duplicitous. Murderous. Treacherous.
We do not want your rapists, your pedophiles, your white male superiority, your defiling nature but now you wanna talk about saving the earth? When it is you, your corporations, your lifestyles, your culture that is wreaking havoc on this earth, our mother?
There is nothing more life-hating than your ways.
There is nothing more life-hating than your ways.
Let’s get this straight:
You cannot get rid of us.
We are of the earth.
Europe take back your children.
Whitey go home.
Petition for Europe to take her descendants back.
Go back to where you came from.